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Our Success Stories
Bullhead City, AZ St. | Margaret Mary Catholic Church
Following a successful Cosgriff capital campaign, construction on this beautiful church began with vigor. Bullhead City needed a new church to serve the growing demands of a community experiencing double-digit population growth. With a strong plan and the dedicated leadership of the pastor, Rev. Peter Dobrowski, their campaign was a successful community-building and faith-raising success. This truly magnificent church is on track to open in 2010.
Hamilton, Bermuda | Mount Saint Agnes Academy
Located across the street from Bermuda’s historic Cathedral of St. Theresa in downtown Hamilton, the venerable 115-year old school needed to purchase prized land adjacent to the school and make capital improvements to the campus. They hired Cosgriff Company to help them succeed. Their $5,000,000 campaign went over goal - a tribute to the dedicated work of the Campaign Chair, Garry Madeiros, and a strong working relationship with the campaign committee and campaign director. Together they worked in concert with local corporations and the alumni group to see their goals realized.
Sioux City, IA | Orpheum Theatre
It was a huge undertaking and a $9,000,000 goal to restore the downtown Sioux City Orpheum Theatre, but with a vision towards the future, strong community leaders, and a plan from Cosgriff, success came with over $11,000,000 pledged. Strong team leadership, community-wide awareness and involvement, and campaign tools from Cosgriff brought the community together. A dynamic video presentation, onsite activities, and key leadership helped to build support for this regional landmark.
Marshall, MO | Nicholas-Beazley Aviation Museum
As is often the case, when our firm excels at one campaign a member from that committee is involved in other civic endeavors and recommends Cosgriff for another project. Such was the case in Marshall, Missouri. A museum was forming to honor the rich tradition of the pioneers in aviation from Marshall. After going 26% over goal for St. Peter Church in Marshall, Cosgriff was called back to town to develop a plan and execute another campaign. Cosgriff built a comprehensive communication plan for the region by assisting in the design and implementation of campaign email newsletters, website, and social functions to raise the awareness of the museum plans, as well as developing printed materials designed for use during and after the campaign.
For more information, contact us at cosgriff@cosgriffco.com
Cosgriff Company P.O. Box 45239 Omaha, NE 68145 • 800.456.9902