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“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”
(1Timothy 6:18)
Our Professionals
Bud Wilcox
Senior Council
Mr. Wilcox has excellent leadership and organizational skills. His background in computer technology is superb and his low-key intuitive people skills are welcomed by parish leaders during and after campaigns. Bud’s recent projects have included clients in Bellevue, Iowa; Dyersville, Muscatine, and Cresco, Iowa. He is accomplished with both feasibility studies and capital campaigns. A recent capital campaign at St. Mary’s Church in Fairfield, Iowa went one-quarter million over goal.
Prior to joining Cosgriff Company as a Campaign Director, he worked for many years in the information technology world as a division head and consultant. He traveled extensively, speaking at conventions and working with clients throughout the country. His has the unique ability to jump into any situation and calmly provide leadership and direction to guide the project to a successful outcome. His passion for raising funds for the church and schools is readily apparent. He is frequently invited back for ribbon cutting ceremonies by his former clients to share in the fruits of their labor.
Bud studied physics at the University of Iowa and has done graduate coursework with Kirkwood College and also completed the Dale Carnegie Course in public speaking.
Bud has four children and several grandchildren. In his free time he serves on numerous committees with his church, teaches Sunday school, and enjoys several hobbies, including reading, bicycling, hiking, camping and skiing.
For more information, contact us at cosgriff@cosgriffco.com
Cosgriff Company P.O. Box 45239 Omaha, NE 68145 • 800.456.9902